Great read! Merry Christmas, brother!

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You may have convinced me to rewatch LOTR. My favorite Christmas movie tradition is watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerers stone! Merry Christmas :)

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Oh, good! My wife and I also recently watched all the Harry Potter movies. I enjoy them more each time I rewatch them! They also have the great themes of sacrifice, friendship, etc. In fact, I’d say they’re more aesthetically aligned with Christmas than LOTR. Plus, it’s John William! Is it just me or does Hedwig’s Theme and Somewhere in My Memory remind you of Christmas? They both start in a way that sounds similar even though they’re very distinct.

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Both remind me of Christmas and fireplaces. Whenever I’m struggling to pay attention at work I put them on with a fireplace background and it immediately solves that issue!

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"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future". Keep on!

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Wow! Never thought of this being a Christmas movie. Thanks for sharing Caleb!

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