This is quite a disappointing review, as Kevin Costner has the talent to be one of the truly influential filmmakers who can draw people back into the theaters, But taking three hours to tell a story that doesn’t even start does not bode well for maintaining that kind of influence, never mind increasing cinema attendance. It would be interesting to compare this movie with Costner‘s work in Dances With Wolves, a visually stunning movie that does not rate high on the ReWatchable scale. But that type of comparison might have to wait this movie’s premiere on a streaming service.
It was disappointing to write! Graham can attest that this has been my most anticipated movie of the year. On paper, it seemed so audacious that it just might work. But, to be fair to Costner, there is a 45-minute stretch in this movie, which is masterful. The problem is that it's the first 45 minutes! The remaining two-plus hours are just a slog. The "primary" storyline with Sienna Miller and Sam Worthington that features in that 45-minute set piece would make for a great two-hour feature. Someone should have told Kevin to focus on that.
It’s a shame this didn’t deliver. I hope we see a big swing connect later this year with Megalopolis or it will be dire in the group chat, and on the blog too.
This is quite a disappointing review, as Kevin Costner has the talent to be one of the truly influential filmmakers who can draw people back into the theaters, But taking three hours to tell a story that doesn’t even start does not bode well for maintaining that kind of influence, never mind increasing cinema attendance. It would be interesting to compare this movie with Costner‘s work in Dances With Wolves, a visually stunning movie that does not rate high on the ReWatchable scale. But that type of comparison might have to wait this movie’s premiere on a streaming service.
It was disappointing to write! Graham can attest that this has been my most anticipated movie of the year. On paper, it seemed so audacious that it just might work. But, to be fair to Costner, there is a 45-minute stretch in this movie, which is masterful. The problem is that it's the first 45 minutes! The remaining two-plus hours are just a slog. The "primary" storyline with Sienna Miller and Sam Worthington that features in that 45-minute set piece would make for a great two-hour feature. Someone should have told Kevin to focus on that.
It’s a shame this didn’t deliver. I hope we see a big swing connect later this year with Megalopolis or it will be dire in the group chat, and on the blog too.
In Francis we trust!